The pocket money
app that helps kids get money smart

Join over 1.2 million Aussie members today
Spriggy's helping thousands of Aussie families teach their kids smart money habits that last for life. They're learning to save, the value of earning and making smart spending decisions.

4 reasons why Spriggy is Australia’s #1 Pocket Money App
Chores actually happen without even having to ask!
No more fighting over getting chores done! With Spriggy, kids want to do their chores to earn those extra dollars as they can see how much they’ll earn in the app.

- Set up weekly chore lists
- Teach kids the value of money
Spriggy makes pocket money one less thing to worry about
You can take visits to the ATM off your to-do list. Spriggy lets you set up weekly chores that repeat each week and only pay out once you approve the chore is actually complete!

- Prepaid Visa card for kids
- Pocket money on repeat
- Send money instantly from your parent wallet in emergencies
- Easy to use parents app
You'll help your kids build strong financial habits... for life
Over 45% of adults in Australia are financially illiterate.¹ With Spriggy you'll know your kids are learning to build saving habits, spending wisely and setting financial goals from a young age.

- Help build the habit of saving
- Teach them how to budget
- Build financial independence
They get independence, you get peace of mind
Let your kids exercise financial independence while you stay in control. That's why Spriggy lets you monitor your kids' real-time transactions and lock their Spriggy card in case of emergencies.

- Remote card lock / unlock
- Real-time spending alerts
- Pre set merchant restrictions
- View spending history

Nearly 80% of parents surveyed agree, Spriggy makes their kids better with money²
Meet the card designed for kids
A card of their own that lets you stay in control, with real-time spending notifications and preset unsafe merchant restrictions.

- Real-time spending notifications
- Spriggy blocks unsafe categories
- Prepaid Card - Spending limited to what's loaded on to the card
- Easily lock and unlock card
Spriggy has preset restrictions that stop kids from using their Spriggy cards at places like alcohol shops, tobacco shops, adult stores, etc.
An easy to use parent app
- Schedule Pocket Money
- Get spend notifications
- Set jobs and savings goals
- Lock your kids card

Find a card design your kids will love!
Hakuna Matata