This page is part of Spriggy’s Financial Literacy Month
Tips & Tricks

What kids are saving for

Kids on Spriggy love a good savings goal. In FY 23 they saved a whopping $161 million.

Here are some things they’re saving for:

5 tips for setting a great savings goal

  1. Make it achievable: Set a clear and achievable goal, with smaller milestones. Success is a great motivator.
  2. Make a plan: Parents can help kids map out exactly how they’re going to achieve their goal and how long it might take.
  3. Track the goal: Get kids excited when they see how their money is growing. Track their goal at regular intervals, and every time they add money to it.
  4. Offer rewards at key milestones: Another way to motivate kids is to reward their savings habit by adding bonus contributions or matching their savings. 
  5. Celebrate success: Make a big deal of their achievement, plan a shopping day or celebrate in a way that’s meaningful to them. Positive reinforcement works.

Find out how Spriggy helps your kids get
better with money

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